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Local Family Farm to Host Wellness Day on July 21

Jun 14, 2024 09:09AM ● By Jordan Peschek

KC Green Acres, a family-owned goat farm in Bristol, Wisconsin, invites all to a unique event combining farm life with self-care practices. This event is ideal for those suffering from chronic pain, neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, sciatica, joint pain, frozen shoulder, accident and sports injuries. Participants will learn how to achieve a pain-free lifestyle through self-care practices.

The free event takes place on July 21 from 1 to 4 p.m. Tom Spiros from TPS Wellness will teach self-care techniques using specialized therapy tools. A licensed massage therapist and self-therapy coach with over 20 years of experience, he focuses on empowering individuals to become their own therapists. Attendees will learn how to treat physical pain symptoms and increase their health through self-care techniques, all while enjoying the day at a local goat farm.

The picturesque farm, owned by Kristina and Chad Braaksma, is home to fun-loving goats, chickens and hens. Kristina’s passion for the farm has led her to provide farm fresh eggs, organic vegetables, honey, goat cheese and raw goat milk year-round, along with handcrafted goat milk soaps and lotions.

In addition to learning valuable self-care techniques, attendees can purchase self-therapy tools and workbooks, enter a raffle for therapy tools and enjoy tastings of goat products. “Don’t miss this opportunity to go home with all the resources you need to feel good,” says Spiros.

Location: KC Green Acres, 6522 205th Ave, Bristol. To RSVP to the free event, email Tom Spiros at and receive a free PDF of the Self-Therapy Workbook. For more information, contact Tom at 773-441-0646.