Learn more about me here in Natural Awakenings Magazine

Are you in pain? Have muscle tension or injury? Want to feel your best?
Unlock your healing power!
TPS Wellness is a locally run business, the owner , Tom Spiros, has over 20+ years in bodywork therapy and has helped clients find relief from all types of pain symptoms. He is a licensed massage therapist, self-therapy coach and published author of therapy books.
Tom offers leading edge information on self-therapy programs that will save you time, money, and unnecessary distress.
TPS Wellness offers self-care practices for:
*Chronic Pain * Fibromyalgia * Arthritis * Back Pain * TMJ or Jaw Pain * Shoulder Pain or Frozen Shoulder * Knee Pain Hip Pain * Hand Pain * Neck Pain * Head Pain or Headaches/Migraine * Foot Pain * Plantar Fasciitis *Carpal Tunnel * Sciatica * Accident Injury * Exercise Recovery * Feeling Good and much more
Most of these common physical symptoms are caused by trigger points, small knots, and inflammation in various muscle groups keeping them tight, weak or painful. Trigger points can refer pain signals to other locations in the body, making it difficult to find the source of the problem.
Stretching and strength training will further agitate the problem. Surgery or drugs will mask the symptoms. None will solve the issue like massage therapy.
Your symptoms are signals that indicate you need massage treatment.
Massage therapy promotes natural healing.
It’s what you need.
TPS Wellness studio is located at 3904 Washington Rd in Kenosha, Wisconsin. You can schedule a wellness workshop event, private session, purchase therapy tools or my books on this order page or by contacting me at Tom@TomSpiros.net or text (773) 441-0646.
Online Class Power Pack: Includes Percussion Tool, Spiky Ball, and PDF of Tapping into Your Healing
Our therapy package for health and healing classes. Therapy tools that stretch, strengthen, repair and treat pain symptoms. This pack will give you the resources needed for optimal health and healing.
Sign up for Sunday, December 8th online class at 11:00 am here with Eventbright
Master Classs: One-on-One Training Sessions or Group Wellness Presentation

Personal consultation and self-massage training/coaching- 1 hour session includes my Self-Therapy Workbook, Percussion Massage Tool and Spiky Massage Tool for new clients.
Are you ready for a change?
Get in touch with your inner healer!
After a brief consultation, I teach and we practice a self-therapy program designed for your specific needs. We target the muscle groups that cause the symptoms using easy techniques with effective tools.
The right techniques and practices are essential for the muscles to release, relax, and repair.
Ideal for those interested in learning and practising how to treat pain symptoms with self-massage therapy. The knowledge learned will give you the resources and tools you need for a pain -free lifestyle.
Information is power.
I empower you to be your own therapist!
Master Class is a 1 hour Session for $95.00 and includes everything for your program.
20% discount for 3 Session Bundles.
If needed we can schedule a Zoom appointment if you are unable to see me in person.
Contact me for scheduling at Tom@Tomspiros.net or text me at (773) 441-0646
Power Package: Self-Therapy Workbook with Percussion Massage Hammer and Spiky Massage Ball

This package gives you all the information, tools and resources for your self-therapy program.
Ready to practice the program?
Tap into Your Healer!
My book is packed with leading edge information on self-care treatments for pain, muscle dysfunction, and injuries. The workbook includes photos of the muscles to target and techniques with in-depth information on how to find lasting relief through proven self-massage practices.
We show self-care practices for symptoms including:
Chronic Pain • Fibromyalgia • Back Pain • TMJ or Jaw Pain • Knee Pain • Foot Pain•Arthritis • Shoulder Pain or Frozen Shoulder • Headaches • Neck Pain • Carpal Tunnel • Sciatica • Joint Pain • Sports Injury • Strain Injury • Acute Pain • Accident Injury • Repetitive-Motion Injury • Exercise Recovery
When you have the tools and techniques all you need is the practice.
Say Hello to Relief!
This special includes the Percussion Massage Hammer used for the program and I will include a FREE Spiky Massage Ball.
Special discount price of $49.00 and includes FREE shipping within the United States.
Email me if you would like a signed copy at Tom@TomSpiros.net
A glimpse of my techniques.
Treating carpal tunnel, hand pain, thumb pain, chest pain, shoulder pain, upper back pain and much more.
This video session offers a glimpse at one of the many techniques we use to treat common pain symptoms. This effective tool and these simple practices will give you the knowledge to treat a host of problems.
This therapy program is simple, effective and feels great.
Many more videos in YouTube link above or https://www.youtube.com/@TPSWellness
Victory Tap– Percussion Massage Hammer

The Victory Tap is my personal massage therapist.
I am victorious over pain symptoms!
This is the primary tool used for the massage techniques in my book, Tapping into Your Healing. The percussion hammer is a simple, effective, game changing tool for tapping away trigger points, tight muscles and inflammation.
I tap my body to find relief from common pain symptoms.
The tool has two sides. One side is narrow for deep tissue treatment and the other is a softer touch. The percussion style massage allows for healing blood flow, nutrition, additional cells and healing energy to enter the area. Muscles will become strengthened, stretched and relieved of inflammation with regular practice and pain symptoms will subside.
There is a natural healing and vibrational frequency with the percussion tool.
This tool can be used anywhere and practised while sitting, standing, or lying down. You adjust the pressure as needed. The hammer is 13 inches and can reach anywhere on your body. It is made to swing easily without much effort by simply flicking your wrist.
The effect on your body is truly therapeutic and healing.
Get Tuned up and Tapped In!
Victory Tap Percussion Massage Hammer for $25.00 and includes FREE shipping
Ready II Roll – Spiky Massage Tools

The Spiky Massage Ball is another simple, yet powerful tool for massage therapy.
Do you like deep tissue massage?
This is a deep tissue therapeutic tool for treating trigger points, knots, and tight muscles in the body. Its best used while lying down on a yoga mat or carpet wearing several layers of loose fitting cloths like sweatpants and hoodie.
This tool creates the kneading and pressure needed to release trigger points and inflammation.
Simply roll away your pain.
Let the healing begin!
Ready II Roll Spiky Massage Balls which are 3 1/2″ and 2 1/2″ in size for $19.95 and includes FREE shipping
Secrets of the Trade: Tapping into Your Healing

Tapping into Your Healing: A Self-Therapy Workbook. This book gives you all the techniques for my self-massage therapy program.
Feeling good is in your hands.
The book is packed with leading edge information on self-care treatments for pain, muscle dysfunction, and injuries. The workbook includes photos of the muscles to target and techniques with in-depth information on how to find lasting relief through self-massage practices.
We show self-care practices for symptoms including:
Chronic Pain • Fibromyalgia • Back Pain • TMJ or Jaw Pain • Knee Pain • Foot Pain•Arthritis • Shoulder Pain or Frozen Shoulder • Headaches • Neck Pain • Carpal Tunnel • Sciatica • Joint Pain • Sports Injury • Strain Injury • Acute Pain • Accident Injury • Repetitive-Motion Injury • Exercise Recovery
You are your best massage therapist.
Information is Priceless.
Paperback book for $24.95 and includes FREE shipping.
Email me if you would like a signed copy at Tom@TomSpiros.net
Also available at
Exciting Book

This is a personal journal of a two-year journey through southeast Asia, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India learning and practicing a new way of living. Reinventing myself as I follow my passions. It is an account of not only healing myself but learning how to heal others.
The journey never ends.
Paperback book for $18.95 and includes FREE shipping. Email me if you would like a signed copy at Tom@Tomspiros.net

TPS Wellness is interested in creating awareness and empowering clients to learn how to do self-care for muscle tension and dysfunction. We partner within the community doing group presentations and also on an individual level with private sessions. Our passion is helping people find relief. We help show you the way.
These techniques work best with motivated clients who are open to a wellness program. TPS Wellness works with clients that are ready for a change. The techniques are good for both children and adults. They are perfect for athletes and for recovery from exercise routines. They are ideal for chronic and acute pain sufferers alike.
Relief can come in minutes for some. It may take regular sessions for a week or two for pain symptoms to subside. Long-standing chronic symptoms can be relieved in as little as one or two months. It may take longer if you suffer from fibromyalgia or widespread muscular pain, but you should have significant improvement in your condition with regular practice.
There is never a better time to feel good than now.
TPS Wellness studio is located at 3904 Washington Rd in Kenosha, Wisconsin. You can schedule a wellness workshop event, private session, purchase therapy tools or books on this order page or by contacting me at Tom@TomSpiros.net or text (773) 441-0646.